Happy Holidays from WaterMonster!

Happy Holidays from WaterMonster!

When you’re ticking off the grocery list for this year’s Christmas lunch, don’t forget the most important drink. Nope, it’s not champagne, it’s not a goon … it’s water! Water is an underrated beverage that deserves the best spot on the table this festive season. Being 60% water ourselves, we need to constantly replenish and hydrate ourselves, and water is the best drink for this. Especially on a hot, hectic day like Christmas, we need all the benefits of water we can get. At WaterMonster h20 solutions hydration is our game, and we want to ensure all of our customers are healthy and hydrated this holiday season.  

Not convinced? Here are 5 ways we at WaterMonster h20 solutions believe water can help you and your guests have a better time this Christmas. 

Prevents Hangovers 

     The obvious one is that drinking water can help prevent a hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic, so it makes you lose more water than you take in, which can lead to dehydration. Keeping water cooler bottles in reach means you can all drink merrily and still take in a glass of water in between. You will thank yourself in hindsight! WaterMonster h20 solutions wants you to drink responsibly this holiday season!  

Cures Headaches 

     Related to hangovers, water can help remedy headaches. Headaches are commonly caused by dehydration, which means more water is moving out of your body’s cells than in. When this happens, you don’t just lose water, but also lesser amounts of electrolytes critical to cell function and energy, like sodium and potassium, so you want to avoid dehydration. Signs of dehydration include irritability, lethargy, a dry mouth, confusion, etc.  

Flushes Out Toxins 

     Water naturally flushes out bad toxins through sweat and urine, which will be especially helpful on a day filled with large servings of food and tall glasses. 

Increases Energy and Focus 

     Christmas is often a long day in the heat, and you don’t want to become fatigued before the pudding is out. Stay energized by staying hydrated with WaterMonster h20 solutions. Our brains are 90% water, and dehydration causes shrinkage of brain tissue. We need water to stay alert and happy! 

Promotes Weight Loss 

     Water also has the power to remove by-products of fat and reduce the amount you eat by filling up the stomach. This Christmas, why not try sipping a glass of water in between courses? Water reduces hunger, raises metabolism, and has no calories! Icy water is best for aiding weight loss because the body will use additional energy to heat the water to body temperature. 

We at WaterMonster h20 solutions want to wish you all a happy holiday season. Enjoy the festivities with your loved ones and make sure to drink plenty of water! Be sun smart, stay hydrated and Happy Holidays!